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Communities - Sustainable Harvesting

Empowerment | Fair Trade | Sustainable Harvesting

Did you know?

In South Africa alien industrial tree plantations cover almost 5 times the area (1.52 million ha) covered by indigenous forests (330 000 ha)?

An industrial tree plantation is the only agricultural crop that requires a government permit before it may be planted?

Annual yields of sustainably harvestable plant material for natural products are, in dryland areas, approximately 2 tonnes/ha. If volumes of production are in the order of 50-70,000 tonnes per year, this would see some 25-35,000 hectares of land being sustainably managed for natural products. MNP, the MNP Trust and the MDA have well-established community development systems to quantify these benefits. MNP intend to be undergo Fair Trade and environmental certification measures which will also provide independent corroboration.

MNP encourages communities and individuals to take full responsibility for managing natural resources and contributing to their sustainable livelihood.

We mainstream environmental issues into our broader development program through capacity building efforts. Together with the DWAF and Dept of Agriculture- MNP run resource management workshops in communities. A pilot project in Gottenburg exists on Forestry management. A nursery is in process at the Plant where marula are propagated.


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